Murchison River Lodge

Murchison River Lodge

Murchison River Lodge

Fundraising as part of a team:Murchison Falls National Park – Uganda

Amount Raised:

Target: $5,000
1 Donations

My story

MRL is proud to support a number of community and conservation programmes in and around Murchison Falls. We are excited to be the Community Scout team sponsor for the 2023 Wildlife Ranger Challenge in Murchison Falls.

We have witnessed the UCF Community Scout programme throughout COVID to now, and are incredibly impressed by their development, and their daily efforts to remove snares and traps from the park.

As a Corporate Member and Partner in Conservation with the Uganda Conservation Foundation, MRL is looking to engage our friends and networks to join us in raising funds to continue the scout's efforts to protect wildlife across the park and supporting local youth training, apprenticeships and full-time employment.

These youths come from the park-adjacent communities and are a beacon of hope to their people and an important break of cycle to ensure poaching does not continue to the next generation.

Donate today to support these youngsters who are doing an incredible job supporting UWA Rangers!

Thank you for your generosity!



Amazing effort. Good luck to all, and thanks for the amazing work done to protect Uganda's most precious assets.

9/14/23, 6:39 PM

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard