Zuka Private Game Reserve for Africa Foundation

Zuka Private Game Reserve (www.zuka.earth) supporting Africa Foundation's Oceans Without Borders Marine Rangers and ranger teams across Africa through the Wildlife Ranger Challenge in September 2023!

Zuka Private Game Reserve

Amount Raised:

Target: $8,000
28 Donations

My story

Following on from last year's success, valuing the relationship we have with our Indian Ocean coast and recognising our dependence on healthy oceans, Zuka Private Game Reserve will once again be fundraising for Africa Foundation Foundation's Oceans Without Borders Community & Conservation Marine Rangers! 

Follow us on instagram to see how we do it! @zukaprivategamereserve


Sep 14, 2023, 2:56:11 PM

4th September was sit-ups day, our second phase of Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2023 and Zuka Private Game Reserve completed 718 sit-ups around the reserve! Our fundraising is creeping up towards this year’s target which is really encouraging in these last few days before the big walk and run! On saturday 16th September 140 participants from all Zuka Private Game Reserve’s entities, partners, friends and families as well as a team from our neighbouring andBeyond Phinda, will be walking or running 10kms or being bold and running 21kms around the reserve - almost there! Stories and updates on Instagram: @zukaprivategamereserve @africa_found @oceanswithoutborders.



Sep 4, 2023, 4:28:55 PM

On 7th August, 80 of us across Zuka Private Game Reserve completed the first element of this year’s Wildlife Ranger Challenge - the PUSH-UPS! Our friends, family and past guests around the world joined us totalling an impressive 2160 push-ups! Thank you for the funds raised so far - there is still time and meanwhile, we are preparing for phase 2, the sit-up challenge on 4th September! Follow us on Instagram to see how we do it! @zukaprivategamereserve


Community & Conservation

Jun 21, 2023, 1:59:22 PM

In their multifaceted roles as guides, experts and wildlife guardians, the Oceans Without Borders Community & Conservation Marine Rangers work day and night throughout every week to realise their goals for a healthy and biodiverse seascape. They dive, research, and analyse marine conservation data, as well as protect endangered sea turtle nesting sites, and engage proactively and positively with local government and stake holders. They run community workshops and teach in classrooms. They are highly motivated and dedicated; their positive impact is real, and important for the natural world. In 2022, Zuka Private Game Reserve came together in the four phases of the Wildlife Ranger Challenge and generated over $7000 as a result! Our fundraising was match funded and augmented further through Tusk Trust, which in turn, secured positions and enabled the valuable work of the Oceans Without Borders programme in our Indian Ocean conservation areas. This year, once again, almost 100 of us at Zuka Private Game Reserve will sit up, push up, walk and run with our shared energy and passion to raise more for these incredible Ranger teams! Thank you for your kindhearted support! www.africafoundation.org.uk/oceans-without-borders/

Community & Conservation

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard